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Human Needs to Know of for Balance in Life


In order to understand ourselves better and others, we need to not only know what it is that is important to us but to as well know of what it is that is important when it comes to human needs. To get more info, click 6 human needs.There are basically six human needs. A free translation for human needs, these are those sets of beliefs that we have to have something or that there are some things that we cannot live without.


By and large, without any regards to the veracity of this statement of belief, the fact is that all humans function in life and are controlled by far and large by these sets of beliefs. To help distinguish between needs and desires, note the fact that needs often come with some element of panic and pressure on us. It is quite important to learn and identify our needs looking at the fact that these are often so intuitive. As such you will often see them control what you do and your behavior in general and get to override all that you may happen to place value on.


According to great psychologist Abraham Maslow, he presented human needs as a hierarchy that we get to fulfill gradually as we develop and evolve in life. At the base of Maslow’s pyramid of human needs were the basic needs; breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis and excretion; and these are the needs that we need to satisfy for us to focus on the other things up in the pyramid.


However, not all of the human needs can be effectively analyzed based on Maslow’s pyramid/hierarchy of human needs anyway. As such, it would be worthy looking at the human needs from the dichotomy later developed by Anthony Robbins, where we have these needs separated into the emotional and physical needs. To learn more about  health, click compliment list. As such we see a separation of the needs into 6 basic human needs.


Thus we can generally conclude that all humans have 6 needs that they will give anything and ensure that these are met. Like we have already said and seen above, there seems to be no rationality when it comes to the determination of human needs, as we often have the feeling that these are things that we must have for there to be life and as such whether they will be getting us into trouble, not healthy or are all up to no good, one will do all they can to ensure that they have attained these needs. No wonder the kind of panic attack there is often when looking at human needs. See here for more on the six basic human needs as have been outlined here. Learn more from

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